Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) offers paperless billing for its customers. By enrolling in the paperless billing alternative, you agree to these terms. Upon enrollment in paperless billing, your bills from OPPD will be presented to you via email in a digital format. You will not receive further paper bills.
Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) will use reasonable efforts to present your paperless bills promptly and to send email notification to the primary email address listed on your account. It is your sole responsibility to ensure this information is accurate. In the event you do not receive notification or need to update your contact information, it is your responsibility to update your contact information here, or by calling 402-536-4131.
It is your sole responsibility to pay your OPPD bill on time to avoid late fees, collection activity or disconnection of service. OPPD reserves the right to cancel the paperless billing service at any time by email notification to you. If emails to you are returned as undeliverable, OPPD reserves the right to revert back to sending you a paper bill. You may enroll again at any time after updating your contact information.
Should your account become delinquent and subject to disconnection due to non-payment, you will receive a paper bill notifying you of the disconnect information, such as amount of past due balance and disconnect date.
You are responsible for any data fees that may be assessed by your telephone and/or internet service provider. You are also responsible for all security, including cyber security protection, of your computer system and internet system used to receive paperless bills. By sending paperless bills, OPPD does not assume responsibility for any data breaches or other security incidents.
You may opt out of paperless billing by emailing, or by calling 402-536-4131.